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Dec 30, 2020

I think it’s fair to say that 2020 has thrown the whole world for a loop. Last year at this time, as I sat down to think of my word of the year for 2020, I had no idea how differently our world would look a few months into the new year.


On a personal level, I faced a lot of unknowns and I wanted to choose a word or phrase that would challenge me to believe in the possibilities before me. As you’ll hear in this solo podcast, the words I ended up choosing for 2020 were intentionally picked to encourage acceptance of positive change in my life.


As we prepare to leave 2020 behind -- knowing full well that so much of its catastrophic nature will follow us into 2021 -- I’ve decided to approach the new year with a tinge of optimism and excitement for what’s to come.


It is my hope that while 2020 has been about surviving, 2021 will be about thriving.